August Recipe Round-up

Here are some great recipes from around the web to inspire your cooking this month. I MAY have included a few Fall recipes. Hope it's not too early to be doing that!
This raw, vegan gluten free carrot cake from Gather and Feast looks great. Use our walnuts, cashews and dates to make it even better!
Crumbs and Caramel a Vancouver based blogger/food writer has this delicious Chocolate Chunk Hazelnut focused Blondie that looks delicious. Of course with our hazelnuts and soy lecithin-free, dairy free chocolate chunks it'll make it even better.
As we head in to those colder days we will start to see brussels sprouts everywhere, am I the only one that gets excited about them? Well, me and my kid do. You can use our sprouted pumpkin or sunflower seeds in this recipe from Fit mitten kitchen.
This Moroccan Sweet potato salad with pistachios and dates looks great. All the fall colors right here from The First Mess.
Also, one of our local (Vancouver) dietician/nutritionists Desiree Nielsen has just released a new vegan cookbook that is all about following an anti-inflammatory diet.
If you have any great recipes to share with us, or cookbooks that you love, send them along, we love to hear about what is inspiring you at