Fermented Cashew "Cheese", vegan and gluten free

I have been back into making my fermented "Cashew Cheez Spread" of late and thought I'd put a reminder here of how easy it is to do! It comes together so quickly, the most time is spent either soaking your cashews, or with it sitting on your counter fermenting. The bonus of fermenting is the flavour boost, it's tangy and has more umami(ness), and of course it has all the gut boosting powers with all those probiotics!
Cashew Spread
1 1/2 cups cashews
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoons raw kombucha
1/4 cup water
Put cashews to soak for about 4 hours
Drain and rinse
Put in a high-powered blender with 1/2 teaspoon sea salt and 2 tablespoons raw kombucha (I used GT's as it was the only one in the store that was unflavoured, and right now, with me not brewing kombucha, it was the best I could come up with, and it works just fine!)
Add a 1/4 cup of water.
Blend well.
If it is too stiff, add a bit more water. You will have to scrape the sides a bit.
Scoop into a clean jar. Clean off the sides of the jar.
Seal tightly.
Place in a warm spot to ferment.
Mine takes about three days to do this.
If you want to flavour it, you can certainly do so. I use it as is.
I move it to the fridge at this point. It is tangy, thick, and delicious.